
Animal Adaptations: Family Groups

Family Groups smMany animals have features that help them to survive in their natural habitat. These features are known as adaptations. There are a number of reasons for adaptations including survival in extreme heat and cold, finding food, living in groups, and avoiding predators. Adaptations happen over thousands or even millions of years. If an adaptation is successful, parents pass it on to their offspring. The adaptation will help the species survive. This process is called natural selection.

Living in family groups is a type of adaptation. Animals that are better suited to their habitat are more likely to survive than those who do not. Animals that live in family groups can help each other find food. They can also work together to protect against predators. In some groups animals work together to care for young.

Published by Weigl Publishers

Release Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-4896-3667-6 (hardcover); 978-1-4896-3668-3 (softcover)

Ages 8-12     Grades 4-6



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